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Amazing writing podcasts to check out!

When I started my writing journey, I had no idea what would be involved. For any of you who have been doing this a while, you know exactly what I mean. For those of you who are just starting out, it is my hope that my posts can help give you insight, direction or at the very least a laugh or two.

Early on in the process, and just after I purchased my very first smart phone, I stumbled across some writing podcasts that I have found extremely helpful. I tend to listen to them during the non-writing times in my life: driving in the car, folding laundry, even while I am getting ready in the morning. I would like to share the ones I have received the most value from and highly recommend you check them out!

Sell More Books ShowSell more books show logo – Bryan and Jim give great insight on the current trends and high-lights from other shows, articles and posts in the industry. Their show is typically about an hour, but is set up in a way that squeezes a lot of information in a very short time. I have gotten a lot out of listening to this podcast as pertains to marketing, publishing, other authors/podcasts/websites to check out, and the ever-changing Amazon environment.

Twitter Smarter Logo

#Twitter Smarter – Madalyn Sklar packs a ton of great tips on optimizing your use of Twitter in her 10 minute segments! She has her finger on the pulse of everything Twitter, and explains things in simple terms so even a newbie can gain a better understanding of the tools available. I have gotten some great direction from this show, and have found some tools that I would have never known existed without listening to her podcast.

Creative Penn LogoThe Creative Penn – I can’t say enough about Joanna Penn’s podcast! I am so glad I found it, I have learned so much from her and her amazing guests! She has an uplifting personality, has been in the business long enough to talk about the changes in the industry and make educated predictions for the future of Indie Publishing. She has published both Fiction and Non-Fiction, which makes her a well-rounded host and her guests have been truly inspirational. Her podcasts do run closer to an hour, but they are filled with a wealth of information you won’t want to miss! She lives in the UK, so for authors planning on selling in overseas markets, you will definitely want to check her out!

Buffer logoThe Science of Social Media – Buffer really squeezes a lot of information on marketing tips and things to check out in less than 15 minutes. They have suggested multiple books, websites and tools which helped me understand how marketing works, and have directed me to the best social media tools to consider in my overall marketing plan. This podcast covers everything marketing, but the concepts are easily converted to my needs as an author. They also have an amazing scheduling tool that is well worth checking out!

If you are looking to level up your author business, I highly recommend checking these podcasts out. And, if you have a podcast that you listen to (or host) that you feel is particularly helpful for writing, publishing, marketing for Indie or Traditional authors, please leave it in the comments below. I would love to check out what you are listening to!

Happy writing!




4 thoughts on “Amazing writing podcasts to check out!”

    1. I will have more to share as I go, these have been ones that I have listened to pretty regularly. Have yet to check out some of the backlists which I think could be really helpful as well šŸ™‚

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