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Book Event – Louisville Book Festival

I will be a participating author at the Louisville Book Festival in November, and am looking forward to meeting readers in that area! There will be a lot of other authors in attendance, including a few of my author buddies who I would like to introduce you to! But first, the lineup:

I will be posting shenanigans with my writing pals, who are all amazing writers and are worth a link click which will take you to their websites. I can’t tell you how excited I am for this! Some of the names mentioned above are:

Dana Nussio – Romantic Suspense, Women’s Fiction, Inspirational Romance

Isabelle Drake – Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, and Non-Fiction

Toni Blake – Contemporary Romance, Women’s Fiction

Some friends I will be seeing again include:

DeeDee Cummings – Diverse books for children

Cecilia Garcia – Military Fiction

Brandon Hoy – Fantasy

The event is free and will include presentations by the authors on Saturday with a host of topics for both readers and writers. Stay tuned for the list which will be announced shortly.

If you can’t make the live event, you can support the festival by going to their website and helping to sponsor the event. You can visit their website at: for more information. There are also year-round events that could use your support.

The sponsor bookstore is the amazing Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville, servicing the community since 1978. Many of the titles for the attending authors are available on their online store, which can be found here:

Lastly, you can also order directly from me. Yes, I will ship to you anywhere in the US. For other countries, please contact me via email so we can work something out. If I can’t get you a signed book, I can definitely ship you a signed bookplate 🙂 You can find my order form here:

This will be my last event for 2023, but upcoming events will be listed as I sign up for them under this tab: Book Promotions and Events. I hope to meet you one day, and in the meantime Happy Reading!