Author, Book Review, Journey, Networking, Podcasts, Publishing, Short Stories, The Power of Four, Witchcraft, Writing

Washington Square Review – Author Livestream Event

I’m so excited!

Earlier this year, my short story Merlin’s Side was selected for the 2023 Washington Square Review publication produced by the English Department at Lansing Community College, and edited by Melissa Ford Lucken. If you would like to check out the entire publication and support the English Department while doing so, you can find it on Amazon here:

This year, I was invited to present my story during a Livestream event, which was held on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. EST. If you want to listen to the replay, you can find it here: There is a little bit of a delay in the beginning, so to get to the readings please fast forward to the 53:14 mark.

I only ready the first few paragraphs, so to finish the story, you can find a copy on my website here:

This story has special meaning to me as it represents the official start of my writing journey. Drafted so many years ago, it reminds me of a time when the future was something I dreamed of. I find it pretty cool that I managed to finally get on board with my past self. Definitely a full-circle moment for me.

I hope you are able to cheer me on that evening, this is a stretch goal for me and I could use the support. In the meantime, please consider downloading the ebook version and checking out some of the other pieces submitted by authors all over the world. Be sure to cheer them on as well! Here is the list of authors who are reading that night in order of presentation:

Taffeta Chime

Aileen Basis

Akshita Chaudhuri

Melissa Elmes

Brendan Boyle

Carole Greenfield

Sunayna Pal

Kayla Branstetter

CS Griffel

Caroline Wilkinson

DA Henneman (I come in at about 1:36:29)

If you are a writer and are interested in submitting to future publications, please visit the site at:

What is next

I have exciting things planned that I can’t wait to share, and if you aren’t following me already, now would be a perfect time to start! You can join my newsletter here:

In the meantime, feel free to check out my other short works here: and for posts about my writing journey, you can check out my Writing Cave here:

Thank you so much for joining me and happy reading! XO

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute or transmit in any form or by any means. For information about subsidiary rights, please contact the author at

The presentation can be seen at: and we would like to thank you in advance for your support of the arts!