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Author Event – Once Upon A Book – Frankenmuth, MI

I will be participating in a book signing on July 23, 2022 to be held at the Bavarian Inn in beautiful Frankenmuth, MI! This event is for readers and writers of all ages, and tickets are on sale on Eventbrite, which you can reach by clicking here.

I am particularly excited about this event since I will also be attending the Monster Ball and will be dressing as a character from one of my books. Interested to see who I selected? Pictures will be up on social, and you can find those links on my Follow My Journey page! If you would like to make a guess… put it in the comments below!

I will have a limited supply of print books with me for purchase, so if you are interested in any of my titles, a pre-order is highly recommended. You can get to my pre-order form by clicking here. If you can’t make this or any other event I will be attending in 2022 and are interested in making a purchase, please feel free to contact me directly by either using the pre-order form, or emailing me directly at

For information on events I am attending, you can visit my Events page here: Book Promotions and Events. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

I hope to see you at one of my upcoming events! Be sure to ask for me!

Happy Reading (And Writing!)

For more information on what I write, you can visit my series pages here:

The Power Of Four – Fantasy Romance Series

The Goddesses In Love – Mythology Retelling Series (Romantic Elements)