Author, Reading, Research, Writing

Books on my Nightstand… #5

Just when I thought I was getting on top of my TBR pile, I added a few more books to the stack near my bed. I have all of these in print, and we won’t even go into the books I have on digital waiting to be read and reviewed! The ebook I am currently finishing from my last list is Stone of Fire by J.F. Penn. If you are interested in thrillers that take you all over the world from the comfort of your own bed, you might be interested in checking it out.

Stone of Fire

I have started The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, but because it is a bit cerebral, I find I need to read it in small doses. I’m about a third of the way through and have finished the rest of the books that were on list #4, so it was the perfect time to add a few more reference books to support my current projects.


Some non-fiction that I will be dipping into includes The Art of Work by Jeff Goins and Fierce on the Page by Sage Cohen. These books support the path I find myself on at this time and I am looking forward to fine-tuning my approach. New writing techniques always interest me and I am always able to find and apply a takeaway from these types of books.


I love reading books that include positive messages, especially if they come out of people’s real-life experiences. I am almost half way through Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes and have also included Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis to my pile. Both came recommended to me by friends on Facebook. I’ve also added The Secret by Rhonda Byrne since it is a quick read, filled with messages I need to hear again at this particular time in my life.


Lastly, I am adding Curiosity Thrilled the Cat by Sofie Kelly. While mystery has never been my go to, a character niggled me to the point of starting her story next. Since I had some things to work out for the final book in the Power of Four series and November is NaNoWriMo, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to flesh out my new idea. Without going into too much detail what the story is about, reading a few cozy mysteries is definitely going to be on my agenda moving forward.

Curiosity Thrilled the Cat

If you like cozy mysteries and have read any with romantic and paranormal elements, please let me know what authors I should be checking out. This new story I’m writing has really taken a hold of my attention and your suggestions will really help my research! In the meantime, happy reading everyone! XO