Book Review, Kindle, Reading

Post Share: 21 Books To Read During Quarantine — Blog: Books By The Woods

Thought this post by Books By The Woods included some great reads, some of which I have read and many of which I have now added to my #TBR. From my current bookshelves, my most recent reads include: Circe by Madeline Miller, Storm and Fury by Jennifer L. Armentrout and The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams. All of them were amazing by the way.

To see what is on my nightstand, you can check out my most recent Books on my Nightstand post here. Also, be sure to follow this link and check out this post and if you have any book recommendations, please leave them in the comments below. Would love to know what you are reading in your part of the world!

Happy Reading! XO

Now that the UK is in lockdown for the next three weeks, which means we’re going to spending a lot more time indoors. Which obviously means more time for reading, of course. But where do we start? I’ve actually fallen into an ongoing reading slump, so this post should hopefully inspire me as much as […]

21 Books To Read During Quarantine — Books By The Woods