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Controlling her curse just might be the easiest thing about their relationship.

I’m over the moon excited to announce that Web Of Lies, Book 4 in my Goddesses In Love series, is launching on September 29, 2023! This story was one I was itching to write and that I introduced at the end of Athena’s Challenge. While each one of these stories is a stand-alone HEA (happily-ever-after) or a HFN (happily-for-now), I do recommend you start with book 1, Love For All Seasons since some of the characters pop in and out of each of the stories.

Arachne’s character was challenging, as was her relationship (in my story) with Morpheus, the God of Dreams. In Greek Myth, Arachne started out as human and was turned into a spider by Athena in a variety of ways depending on the version of myth you read. As with most of my re-tellings, I’ve taken several liberties and let my Muse run wild, however, I do want to be sure that I give a nod where I can to the original myth. Because of that, Arachne is both human and spider, with all the limitations that come with that. The challenge was imagining myself as a spider and continuing to weave, which brought way too many of those 8 legged creatures into my life. Ever hear of Baader–Meinhof Phenomenon? Yeah well… spiders everywhere the entire time I wrote this! Not to mention all the spiders I still have in my life! Ugh… ready to start writing about something cute and fluffy… bunnies perhaps?

Although Morpheus is a God, he is not without his own set of challenges. What I found interesting about him was that unlike Hermes who could pass messages between the Gods and Goddesses, Morpheus’ function passed messages from the Gods to humans, specifically religious leaders, politicians, and royalty. A very important job in my mind and one that I imagined he would take pretty seriously. I decided that while he did have a sense of humor, he was a little more formal in his approach. However, I like to think that even immortals who have seen it all, can still be surprised by a situation, especially when their heart is on the line. The scenes where this comes into play were fun to write.

It seemed to me that Arachne and Morpheus were made for one another. Both are weavers in their own right, and both are creative in ways that some can only dream of. But because Morpheus lived in dreams and was not able to be seen as himself, only has a personification mimicking other people, how could a human interact and fall in love with him? The Romance Author in me said…Challenge accepted.

This series is not as spicy as my Power Of Four series, but still includes some sexy bits that fade to black. This book features monsters, and themes including death, forgiveness, and trust. It also has us traveling to the Underworld, and meeting a few unexpected characters along the way. If it sounds like something that would interest you, please check out the blurb below.

Web Of Lies Blurb

Controlling her curse just might be the easiest thing about their relationship.

Acceptance of her destiny allowed Arachne to become one of the most sought-after weavers in Thebes. But her success has a cost. A curse so horrific, she weaves her fabrics in a form seen only in nightmares.
Her art allows an outlet and expresses love for a man she’s never met. When her monstrous form takes over her life, she learns of a way to manage the curse and attempts the impossible… to control her own life.
Arachne’s journey will take her to Athena’s temple, the Underworld, and into the arms of the God of Dreams. Self-discovery is only part of the couple’s journey, as they must navigate all aspects of forgiveness, creativity, and desire. Most of all they must find their truth in the web of lies they have each created. Falling in love was the easy part.

Web of Lies is the fourth book in the Goddesses In Love Series, a collection of mythology retellings in a shorter format.

Web Of Lies launches 9/29/23!

Favorite Line

History didn’t always give them a happily-ever-after… It’s time to change that.

The Goddesses In Love Series

Book 1 – Love For All Seasons (Hecate & Hermes with Persephone & Hades)

Book 2 – Medusa’s Secret (Medusa & Hermes)

Book 3 – Athena’s Challenge (Athena & Tiresias)

Book 4 – Web Of Lies (Arachne & Morpheus)

Goddesses In Love Collection (Books 1-4) – Print and Ebook versions in early 2024!

All of these stories are novelettes and translate into about a 2-3 hour read. I have them priced at .99 and they are available in e-book versions only at the following sites:

For anyone interested in checking out any of my other stories, my universal book links will take you anywhere you would like to go! In the meantime, happy reading and Embrace the Journey!

As always, thank you for joining me on mine. XO