Author, Kindle, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal Books, Sale, The Power of Four, Witchcraft, Writing

December Swoonworthy Stories – Fantasy Romance

Sea of Dreams and Love For All Seasons are both part of the Swoonworthy Stories #FantasyRomance Promotion through Book Funnel running Dec 1 to 31, 2023! Check out all of the great offerings from several authors, just in time for the holidays! #BookWorm #AmReading #TBR #FantasyRomance #Reading #Readers #mythologyretellings

Author, Kindle, Networking, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal Books, Sale, Sales, The Power of Four, Writing

Free Prequels, Novellas, and Series Starters!

Get The Jinni's Wish free during the month of July 2023 by signing up for my newsletter in this amazing #Promotion! While you are there, be sure to check out all the other authors! #BookWorm #FantasyRomance #Reading #SeriesStarter #Goodreads

Author, Kindle, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal Books, Sale, The Power of Four, Witchcraft, Writing

Cast A Spell Witch Promotion

Library 1 is part of the #Cast A Spell Witch Books Promo running May 1 to 31, 2023! Check out all of the great offerings from several authors, as well as my Power of Four series starter! #BookWorm #AmReading #TBR #FantasyRomance #Reading #Kobo #Readers #WitchyReads #Magick #Google #AppleBooks #Nook

Author, Kindle, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal Books, Sale, The Power of Four, Witchcraft, Writing

Cast A Spell Witch Promotion

Library 1 is part of the #Cast A Spell Witch Books Promo running May 1 to 31, 2023! Check out all of the great offerings from several authors, as well as my Power of Four series starter! #BookWorm #AmReading #TBR #FantasyRomance #Reading #Kobo #Readers #WitchyReads #Magick #Google #AppleBooks #Nook